Our goal is to create healthy beautiful smiles one patient at a time. From tooth colored fillings to teeth whitening, we can provide a brighter and more vibrant appearance. Whether you are interested in changing the shape and contour of your teeth or just looking to improve the color, Dr. Recuber and his staff have a variety of options to reach your goal. One such option is through veneers, which are thin layers of porcelain that are bonded to the front surfaces of the teeth. This allows the shape, size and color of the tooth to be changed. If you are not necessarily looking to change the size or shape of your teeth, sometimes the simple replacement of an old metal or stained fillling can dramatically improve the appearance of your teeth. Old metal or silver fillings can often darken the appearance of your teeth and make them very unsightly. Furhtermore, older metal fillings can often act like a wedge and over time can cause fractures in teeth. Replacing them with tooth colored fillings not only can improve the look of the teeth, but also can make them healthier. Call our office to set up a smile evaluation. You will be surprised what a difference a healthy looking smile can make.
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